No. 95 – Be inspired by…

Crossed off the list 31/12/2011

I’d like to dedicate this particular item on my list to a woman who has been a weekly source of inspiration to me for the last 6 months – Miss Rachel Magahy, the amazing author of the magical blog In Spaces Between. If you haven’t yet become an avid reader and devout fan (where have you been living – under a rock?!), then do yourself a favour and check it out – you’ll be addicted to her refreshing and inspiring world immediately!

Rach has created an uplifting and enlightening online environment, brimming with creativity, intellect, passion, positivity, and clever wit. I had the pleasure of attending high school with Rach, and even back then she was an exceptional standout amongst a sea of average (and often nasty and self-absorbed) teenagers. I have followed her life and adventures via Facebook and the In Spaces Between blog, and although we have never ‘met’ as adults, I feel as if she knows exactly what I need to hear each week when she uploads her fabulously popular and uplifting Making Me Happy’ posts. The words, pictures and affirmations that Rach shares freely with the online community makes my heart soar and constantly challenges me to examine my life and find the joy within, even when I’m struggling. A visit to Rach’s world is like taking a dose of sunshine and gratitude – you can’t help but feel a bit brighter and happier afterwards. Rach also provided me with the inspiration for my tattoo (the design of which I first found on her blog), as well as the inspiration and confidence to create my own blog to catalogue my adventures (both of which were milestones listed in my list).

To Rach, I’d like to say a big heart-felt “THANK YOU!”; your words lifted me up during some of the deepest and darkest times of my life this year, and I don’t know what I’d do without them. Please keep doing what you do – it means more to me than words could ever sufficiently express. You are amazing, and if the world had more people like you in it, it would be a better place…

No. 114 – Get accepted into Honours

My acceptance email

Crossed off the list December 1, 2011

I did it! I was accepted into the Honours program for the Bachelor of Education – Primary program, which basically means that I get to dedicate the next two years of my degree to pursuing and researching a topic of my own interest, and then forming and writing an enormous thesis (i.e. 16,000 words) for submission. I’m super excited about this opportunity, as the area of research I’m focussing on is new and has not had much exposure or research conducted, which will be a real challenge for me, but one that is especially close to my heart.

I think the most significant part of this achievement is that it shows me that all the hard work I’ve put into my studies for the past 2 years has paid off, and it re-affirms my belief that being a student is exactly the right pathway for me at this moment in my life.