An Aussie in Antigonish Saying Goodbye: An open love letter to my friends at StFX…

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To my dearest Canadian friends,

I truly don’t know how to start this letter.  Even as I write this, I am still in denial and disbelief that my time here with you has come to an end…I mean, it feels like I only just got here! But the reality is that four months have indeed passed and it is time for me to go home. Although I am excited to be reunited with my friends and family in Australia, I also leave you with a heavy heart and a deep sadness, because you have all, quite by accident and with no explicit intention, become my family here in Canada. It wasn’t until this moment, on the cusp of my departure, that I realised what an amazing little life I had manifested for myself here in this small, rural (and at times, crazy) town, and the impact that the wonderful and colourful characters that I call my friends and loved ones have had on me.

When I first arrived here at the end of August, I was unconvinced that this was the right place for me; in fact, in all my travels around the world, I had never felt so different, so isolated, and so out of place as I did here during that first week or so. I began to worry that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. Seriously, I even remember scheming and dreaming of ways to escape, to pack my bags, cash in my scholarship money, and run like hell back to Europe…

But then, a small miracle happened: I met you.

From the first day at orientation when you took me under your wing, guiding me through the registration process, exchanging friendly greetings and warm wishes of welcome, showing me around the campus, easing my anxiety, and making me feel less like an outsider; followed by our day at Crystal Cliffs, where I was blown away by the endless energy, infectious enthusiasm, and diverse personalities of these new people I would soon be calling my peers. By the end of the night at Curriculum Colours, I knew I had met some of the most interesting, fun, eclectic, and entertaining people of my life. All of a sudden, I wasn’t so worried…

Over the weeks, my life here just got better and better: classes, coffee catch-ups, house parties, dates, socials, football/rugby/hockey/basketball games, birthdays, road trips, conferences, movie nights, Wednesday Wing Night at Piper’s, Homecoming, Thanksgiving, Halloween, X-Ring…the experiences you all gave me were amazing and have provided me with countless memories I will treasure forever. Whether it was teaching me new Canadian words and terms (I find myself adding that little ‘eh’ to the end of my sentences now), or introducing me to your culture, customs, food, music (I’m so happy to be going home to Australia with my copy of Stan Roger’s ‘Barrett’s Privateers’), and games (Beer Pong, anyone?), you made my life here bigger and brighter than I could have ever imagined. And you all became so important to me and I’d like to take this time to thank you.

To my dearest friend, and Canadian ‘sister’, Evelyn…I send you my deepest and sincerest love and gratitude for your un-ending support, fierce loyalty, and incredible friendship. From easing my anxiety, to showing me around campus; giving me advice in my darkest moments, to doing my hair; sitting by my bedside and nursing me at my sickest all through the night, to inviting me home for Thanksgiving…this woman has been my personal angel. Impromptu road trips, sing-alongs, endless hours of thought-provoking and soul-searching conversations, roll on the floor laughter, Friday night dinner dates, Sunday morning breakfasts, girly weekends away, a never-ending supply of hugs and words of encouragement …wow, I’m so lucky to have her as a friend! I’m serious when I say that my life has forever changed because of Ev’s glowing presence and I will miss her every day until we are reunited. I will always love you, my darling.

To the guy who first captured my attention at Crystal Cliffs in his sunnies and bandana, berating me for forgetting how to ‘penguin walk’…whose quiet cool and subtle confidence intrigued me…who held my hand when he walked me home…gave me great advice and broad shoulders to cry on…taught me how to two-step…who told me I had “eyes that melt the world”: KJ. I’m so thankful for the time we had together and for the wonderful moments we shared. You brought so much joy to my life here and I only wish that things had ended better for us. To me, you always will be the guy with the gorgeous smile who gave me butterflies when you kissed me and made me feel like I was walking on clouds…you will always have a place in my heart.

To Neil, my Canadian ‘brother’ – thanks for always being there to take me to hockey games, buy me Burt Reynolds shots at the pub, spin me around the dance floor, give me a hug when I need it, and for teaching me how to play ‘slap shots’…you are a true character, m’dear, and I will miss you terribly. I want to see you in Australia very soon!

To Kayla, Josh, Adri, Chelsie, and everyone living on the Seed who welcomed me into their home to stay for my last week, and made sure I had a blast every moment I was living there – THANK YOU! You guys are amazing…my deepest love and thanks to you always.

To all the girls – thank you for your unwavering friendship and support. You made me feel like a part of something special and always made my days brighter. You are incredible women who will go on to have wonderful lives filled with love, success, and wonderment. I hope you all keep in touch.

To the boys – thank you for endless shenanigans, never-ending entertainment, and for teaching me the art of ‘chirping’…you guys will always be my mates and I’ll always think of you whenever I hear dogs barking…haha.

All of you played a part in my journey, whether you realised it or not, and I am eternally grateful for the gifts of extraordinary experience you all gave me. Every smile, every kind word, every comment about my blog, every intellectual exchange in class, every cheers over a beer, every hug, every laugh, every kiss…they all mean more to me than words can say, and without them, I would have never made it through. You will always be my friends and I will miss you every day. You all have a place to stay if you ever choose to make the journey to Australia, whether that be in a year or ten.

I know that to most of you I will always just be the Aussie exchange student who passed through town for a semester, just a small part of your final chapter at university; but to me, you were, you are, and always will be, my whole story…

All my love, always.

Shanny, your ‘lil Aussie mate

‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada…

Weeks 13, 14 & 15


Ooooohhhh, we are on the countdown now! Only 1 more week left here in Canada before I head back to the USA for Christmas (and an awesome quick trip to New York City – stay tuned for more!), and then make my way back home to Australia….wow, how quickly my time here in Antigonish has flown by! It really has been an incredible experience, and I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to live, study, teach, and grow as a person here in Canada – truly one of the most amazing experiences of my life! So, what’s been happening in my world? Let’s have a look…

+ Teaching Grade 2

My prac school

My prac school

Ok, I’ll admit it – I’ve kinda fallen in love with my students! They are simply adorable and have been wonderful to teach. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I want to pull my hair out (they are 7 years old, after all), but seeing the smiles on their faces when they learn something new, or when I say something funny, or even just as they come inside after playing out in the snow totally brightens my day and makes all the effort worth it.

First snowy day at school!

First snowy day at school!

Teaching these kids has given me a new perspective on children and has given me a deeper appreciation for the gifts and advantages I have been awarded in my life, simply because of my parents, socioeconomic status, and where I was born. Some of these children come from very low socioeconomic backgrounds and face very different obstacles to the kids back home on the Gold Coast, but this does not stop them from dreaming big and trying their hardest, day in and day out.

Aussie flags made by my Canadian students

Aussie flags made by my Canadian students

I started a pen-pal system with my Grade 1 students in Australia, and the joy on the children’s faces when they received their first letters was priceless – for some of them, it was the first time they had ever received a letter from someone in another country, let alone a kid on the other side of the world! They were so excited and keen to reply, and to share their world with others. It just goes to show that classrooms do not have to stay confined within the four walls of a building; a classroom can be transformed into an global platform for learning, connecting, and sharing with just a click of the mouse (and little bit of effort outside of school hours to make up for the 15-hour time difference!). Since I can’t bring these kids to Australia, I have simply brought a little bit of Australia to Canada…and the results have been heart-warming! Stay tuned for more updates on our up-coming classroom Christmas shenanigans!

Oh, and I nailed both of my teaching evaluations from the University with perfect feedback and results…just sayin’, is all…

+ X-Ring celebrations

All dressed up for X-Ring!

All dressed up for X-Ring!

Ok, it is too hard and complicated to delve deeply into the story behind this event (just check out the link here to get more info), but basically it goes like this: Every year on December 3rd, students who are graduating that year receive their X Ring – a gold college ring that costs a small fortune. It is meant to be a widely-recogised symbol of achievement and belonging to the StFX community. I say it is an excuse to buy some jewellery and have a big party…

And my, what a party it is! For a small rural town, they sure know how to throw a decent shindig for X-Ring! 3 whole levels of the Sub Building were transformed into a party wonderland, with DJs, live bands, decorations, and a whole lotta’ pumped up (and intoxicated) seniors showing off their fancy new bling. A huge thanks to the wonderful Josh who bought me a ticket and took me as his date so that I could experience this ‘un-missable’ StFX event, and for helping me to dance the night (and all my troubles) away…you are an absolute gem, m’dear!

My dear friends getting their X-Ring - Chelsie, Adri, Neil & Kayla

My dear friends getting their X-Ring – Chelsie, Adri, Neil & Kayla

P.S: Word of advice –DO NOT go to X-Ring, party until 2am, then go and teach Grade 2 after only 3 hours sleeppainful does not even begin to describe it…

+ Walking in a Winter Wonderland…

My favourite place in town just keeps on changing with the seasons...

My favourite place in town just keeps on changing with the seasons…

My beautiful campus coated in snow...

My beautiful campus coated in snowy goodness…

Catching snowflakes on my tongue…the crunching sound under my boots…the crisp Arctic wind flushing my face red…having impromptu snowball fights with friends…watching the snow fall gently from the sky…seriously, it is like living in a snow globe! To say I’m in love with snow is an understatement, and finally seeing it fall was a true highlight of my last few weeks here as this is one of the big reasons why I chose to go on an exchange in Canada, and not in Florida or Arizona in the USA. Small gifts and moments in life like these make it all worthwhile…

+ One last trip to Cape Breton…

Goodbye, Cape Breton

Goodbye, Cape Breton

Saying goodbye is often the hardest thing to do as a traveller…and this particular goodbye was no exception. Bidding adieu to my adopted Canadian family in Cape Breton proved to be just as sad and difficult as any other I have experienced. The Gotell family – Blair, Louise, Evelyn (my bestie), and Adele – welcomed me into their home, and their hearts, right from the second I stepped foot into their house on Thanksgiving weekend. Back then, I was just the stray Australian exchange student who needed a place to stay over the holiday weekend, but within mere minutes, I was a part of this amazing, joyful, generous and loving family. Since then, we have shared many special moments together and they have truly given me a home here in Canada. My eternal gratitude and love goes out to them all for accepting me as their ‘adopted Aussie daughter/sister’ and for giving me an overwhelming sense of belonging when I needed it most. I will miss you all dearly…(*still wiping away tears)

Driving selfies on our last CB road trip together!

Driving selfies on our last CB road trip together!

+ Some other little tidbits of joy that have brightened my world in the last few weeks:

Skyping with Mum & Muggy - my favourite part of the week!

Skyping with Mum & Muggy – my favourite part of the week!

+ Celebrating birthdays from afar (again, happy birthday to my Mum, Manaii, Viv, Erin, Mick, Rochelle, and Imogen!!!) + meditating every morning + Instagram + cappuccinos & homemade carrot cake @ Tall & Small + words of wisdom and inspiration from the gorgeous Rach @ In Spaces Between + moments of joy with my bestie, Evelyn + adventures + laughter with friends + spontaneous road trips + hot coffee on cold, Canadian mornings + porridge + statement necklaces with blazers and jeans + solitude + growth + music, the never-ending soundtrack to my life + blogging + green tea + planning my upcoming NYC trip + dreaming & scheming + Skype dates with my Mum & Muggy in Australia + the smiles on my students’ faces + Caramelo Koalas to remind me of home + reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower – this generation’s answer to Catcher in the Rye + catching snowflakes on my tongue + planning for the big, bright, beautiful year that will be 2013 + offers of help from home + connecting with new souls over the Internet + the knowledge that I will be home in Australia and reunited with my loved ones in 3 very short weeks after 6 months of travelling abroad…and gingerbread men (addicted!!!)

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Pinned from here

Most importantly, a massive, heart-felt, ginormous THANK YOU to all of the beautiful souls out there who have supported and encouraged me with their incredibly touching feedback on my last post – No. 50 – Be Kind to Myself. Knowing that so many of you felt the same way, or had some kind words of advice/feedback to offer, totally made my day and gave me an overwhelming feeling of acceptance, love, and gratitude. All of your thoughts and wishes helped to ease any backlash I may have experienced as a result of this, and I am eternally grateful for your support. My deepest gratitude to you always, my darlings!

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Pinned from here

So, now you know what has been putting the shebang-a-bang and sparkle into my world lately– what about you? What’s happening in your own magical life? Please leave your comments in the bubble at the top of the post and fill me in – I’d love to hear from everyone! Let’s spread that joy a little further around this beautiful world of ours…

Until next time, lots of love + joy + gratitude from Antigonish xo

‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada…

Weeks 10, 11 & 12

Greetings from the Nish!

Sweet greetings to you all from chilly Antigonish! I hope you’ve all had a fantastic last few weeks – I know I sure have! Here’s what’s been happening in my world…

+ Final exams & end of classes

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I can’t believe my official ‘university class’ time has come to an end – I feel like I have only just arrived here! But alas, I have finished, and I sat my final exams and submitted all my final assessment pieces all on time and with great success. It has been a challenge to learn all about the Atlantic Canadian Curriculum – it is different from the Australian Curriculum I have spent the last 3 years studying, understanding, and applying – as well as overcoming cultural/linguistic differences, but I feel like I was able to do so with substantial success. I have enjoyed my classes at StFX and my professors have all been incredibly supportive – I am lucky to have been given the chance to learn from them, and I send them all my greatest and deepest gratitude.

+ Day trip to Cape Breton

Road trippin’ to Cape Breton

I was lucky enough to go back to my adopted Canadian family’s house in Cape Breton for a day. My best friend here, Evelyn, has been kind enough to share her family and beautiful home with me, and coming back to visit for the first time since Thanksgiving to see her wonderful parents, Blair and Louise, was the highlight of my week (when we came in the door, Louise beamed with happiness and declared “My girls are home!”). This wonderful, amazing, and kind family has always openly welcomed me into their home, and receiving a giant ‘Mum-like’ hug from Louise brought tears to my eyes (she is such a gorgeous soul, just like my Mum back home in Australia).

Louise’s amazing home-made Pavlova!

Louise also had a wonderful surprise waiting for me: she had remembered that I had told her how much I love and miss my favourite Aussie desert – pavlova – during my last visit, and in a bid to ease my homesickness and bring a little slice of home to me, she found a recipe and made me a delicious pavlova for desert! Oh, talk about a meltmyheartandmakemecry moment! The fact that this wonderful woman took the time to make me something so special had me absolutely overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude (in fact, I started jumping up and down in the kitchen, laughing and squealing with delight). Once again, these beautiful people made me feel like I had a home and family of my own over here, when I’m so clearly far away from Australia – they are truly amazing, and I send them my deepest thanks, love, and gratitude.

+ Mid-semester break

Party time!

Nothing too exciting to report here – just a week of well-earned relaxing, much-needed downtime, and some pretty fun party nights thrown in for good measure! Since this was the last time we would get time off before embarking on our teaching practicums for 5 weeks, my mates in the Nish and I made good use of the freedom and had some great nights out, as well as catching up for hockey games, dinner at the pub, random house parties, and some good laughs. It was a great way to celebrate the end of the semester and our awesome efforts during finals – whoop whoop!

+ Girly weekend away in Halifax

Heading into Halifax

This was just what this girl needed, I tell you! Evelyn and her twin sister, Adele, whisked me away for a spontaneous, fun, ‘girls only’, weekend in Halifax. Friday night was spent checking out the city’s casino (Cowboys at the casino? Really?!? You don’t see that at Jupiter’s on the Goldy…); Saturday was a whirlwind of shopping, eating, and great conversations; and Sunday capped off an amazing weekend with more shopping, eating, driving around the city, and, for me, a quick coffee catch-up with my English backpacker mate, Paul, who I met in the hostel I stayed in when I first arrived in Canada.

Road trips, French Toast for breakfast, Victoria’s Secret, makeup tests at Sephora, dinner at a Mexican restaurant, giggles, brutal honesty (“Do you think this suits me?”….”No”.), sing-alongs in the car to bad break-up tunes, a new statement necklace, coffee, deep conversations, bright lights, beautiful scenery…it was the best weekend away with the best mates a girl could ask for! Love you girls forever xoxo

Halifax by the water + Mic Mac Mall at Christmas time + Victoria’s Secret goodies + Fall in the City

+ Starting prac

My bright and beautiful classroom!

I am teaching a class of gorgeous little Grade Two’s at a small school located 45 minutes away from Antigonish, in the town of Stellarton. My supervising teacher, Tina, is just amazing – incredibly supportive and encouraging, letting me teach as much as I want, and welcoming of all my ideas and implementations. The kids themselves are adorable: they love my accent and they love asking lots of questions about Australia and where I come from (and yes, they know all about Muggy and have seen lots of pictures!).

They also enjoy teaching me all about Canada, what winter here is like, how they celebrate Christmas, how to make a snowman, etc. I have also joined forces with the school’s music teacher to teach them the Aussie version of ‘Jingle Bells’ – complete with references to boogie boards, bindi eye, and the beach (which they think is hilarious!) – to sing at their upcoming Christmas concert in December! I can’t wait to see the looks on the parents’ faces when they start singing that one…I’m also starting up an email pen-pal system with my Grade One’s from my last prac in Australia, and the kids are so excited to write to kids on the other side of the world and share their lives, school, and culture with them. Stay tuned for more updates!

All in all, I’m so happy to be teaching this class – the fact that I will get to play a part in the education of these amazing little people in another country just makes me beam with joy. My goal for this prac experience is to connect with the kids, learn about each others’ cultures, have fun, and feel the pure joy of teaching. I am already off to an awesome start (I aced my first evaluation yesterday – yay!), and I now that when I leave in 4 weeks, there are going to be some MAJOR tears (and I’m talking about me, not the kids…)

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+ Some other little tidbits of joy that have brightened my world in the last few weeks:

+ Early  morning meditation + dancing the night away + Marie Forleo’s MarieTV + watching the Canadian landscape light up in the early morning sun + early Christmas gifts from my amazing supervising teacher + constant inspiration + Friday Skype dates with Mum and Muggy + The Daily Love + new statement necklace + kind words from beautiful souls + teaching + hot cups of tea on chilly nights + bubble baths + practicing self-love.

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So, now you know what has been putting the glow into my world lately– what about you? What’s happening in your own magical life? Please leave your comments in the bubble at the top of the post and fill me in – I’d love to hear from everyone! Let’s spread that joy a little further, eh?

Until next time, lots of love + joy + gratitude from Antigonish xo

‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada…

Weeks 7, 8 & 9

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Happy November, everyone! Wow, I can’t believe we are already in the second-to-last month of 2012…where did the year go? <insert incredulous tone of voice and stunned facial expressions here>

The last few weeks here in Antigonish have been a whirlwind of shenanigans, adventures, lessons, opportunities, moments of beauty, and plenty of self-realisations and personal conquests. In short, it’s been full-on. Whew! I’ve been thinking a lot about the Universe and how it presents us with an abundance of opportunities every day; whether or not we throw caution into the wind and take those opportunities, no matter how vague or impromptu they may be, is our choice. I feel like we spend so much of our time deliberating the pros and cons of doing things, trying to decide whether to pursue opportunities or not, deciding on their value or worth, worrying what others may think of us, that we miss out on the true joy of just being, living right there in the moment. That’s why I’m totally loving this quote right now:

“We’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget that the inner value – the rapture that is associated with being alive –  is what it is all about.”

~ Joseph Campbell ~

See, isn’t it just awesome?!? So that’s the way I’ve been living my life recently – just saying a big, enthusiastic, resounding “YES!” to every opportunity that presents itself to me, in any shape or form, and living in the moment 100%. Want to work on a project together? YES! Want to jump in the car, go for a drive, and see where we end up? YES! Want to try this new food/drink/game? YES! Want to jump on a bus in 2 hours time and go to the very bottom of Nova Scotia for a Phys Ed teacher conference (even though you are not a PE teacher, not from Nova Scotia, and have no accommodation booked) with all your mates, for free? YES, YES, YES!!!

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Living with an open mind and open heart is proving to be good for me. I have been focusing on my Spirit Plan, which is a set of rules I wrote out for myself, advocating that I embrace the positives in my life and steer myself in the direction I choose. This means starting each day with meditation and offering up my gratitude to the Universe for the amazing life I am blessed to live; eating healthy and delicious foods (I’m hooked on fruit at the moment, can’t get enough of the stuff); reading the inspiring/uplifting quotes and affirmations I have written in my journal every morning when I wake up (great booster for the day); going to the gym to empower myself; writing when I need to; allowing myself to be alone and to enjoy and become comfortable with the concept; being happy; and telling myself to look for the beauty and joy in every day and jump at all the opportunities that come my way…hmmm, something tells me that this is working…

So, what else has been happening in my world since we last spoke? Here’s a quick round-up of some of the awesome things I have been up to in the last few weeks here in Canada…

+ Falling in love with Fall

Seriously, have you ever seen such beautiful colours in nature?!? It is like living in a picture book here. I am constantly snapping away at the gorgeous scenery around town and on campus…and lots and lots of leaves (I’m addicted). Add in some warm Fall fashion, hot cups of coffee, chilly fresh air, bowls of soup, cuddles, and afternoons filled with blogging while curled up on the couch at my favourite coffee shop in town, and you have yourself the perfect setting to fall in love with Fall…ahhh!

+ My first ice hockey game

Exciting. Breathtaking. Fast. Brutal. Addictive. Read more here.

+ TAPHE (PE Teacher) Conference in Yarmouth

Does it look like I’m having a good time here? Um, yeah I am!

You know how I was talking about taking chances and opportunities when they pop up expectedly? Well, this is the perfect example of that concept in action. Last Thursday was just another ordinary day, until I happened, by accident, to bump into a professor in the education faculty who told me there had been a last minute cancellation from a student who was supposed to be going to a conference for Physical Education teachers (which my boyfriend and all my mates just happened to be going to as well), and would I like to take her place? The bus was leaving at 3pm (it was now 12:30pm) and if I wanted a free trip to Yarmouth, then all I had to do was pack a bag and jump on….hmmmm, so what do you think I did? Hey, when the Universe throws you an opportunity like this, you just go with it…

7 hour bus ride = non-stop shenanigans!

The 7 hour trip to Yarmouth (which is at the very bottom of Nova Scotia) with my ‘zedder’ mates was a full-on party filled with sing-alongs, dancing in the seats, chair-surfing, guitar sessions, pit stops, glow sticks, junk food, back of the bus shenanigans, and laughter…non-stop laughter. Seriously, it was one of the most fun experiences of my travels…these people are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

Upon arriving in Yarmouth, we headed out to the conference social and proceeded to dance up a storm, then followed up that effort with an intense competition between KJ and I at the local pool hall afterwards (I’m sorry to say that I lost, 2-1). After being locked out of my room at 3am and not being able to access any of my belongings, the staff at the hotel were kind enough to give me a free room of my own (see, its amazing what happens to me at 3am, even in tiny towns in the middle of nowhere…I always seem to end up in some sort of random situation!)

The conference the next day was fantastic, and I got the chance to take a dance class, try my hand at slack-lining (which is like indoor tightrope walking, but harder), and attended great information sessions. To be honest, I was considering changing my major to PE teaching after this day, that’s how much I enjoyed myself. Then it was back on the bus for another 7 hour trip home to Antigonish (which after 2 massive days with only 4 hours sleep I was quite looking forward to), but true to form, my crazy Canadian mates refused to chill on the way home, so the party re-commenced…with gusto. At least I was lucky enough to see some truly breathtakingly beautiful scenery along the way; I have to give it to Nova Scotia – it is one exquisite little province.

A massive shout-out and huge thank you to Dan Robinson for inviting me on this trip and to all my awesome ‘zedder’ mates who gave me the time of my life…you are all incredible and I will NEVER forget this trip! Big gratitude and love to you all xxx

+ Halloween

Read all about my spook-tacular shenanigans here.

+ Some other little tidbits of joy that have brightened my world in the last few weeks:

+ Spur of the moment afternoon drives in the country with my boy + kicking some academic butt (I got a 14.5/15 for a maths assignment!) + sushi and movie nights in + my $10 ballet flats from Walmart + blueberry & pomegranate white tea + Triple J’s Like a Version #8 (especially Josh Pyke’s cover of Endless Summer…epic) + giggles + ‘Beach Music’ (new read, can’t put it down) + random photo moments + walks along the water with my Canadian bestie, Evelyn + meditating in the morning light + granola, greek yoghurt & blueberries + Skyping with my Mum back home + following my Spirit Plan + having the time of my life!

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So, that’s what’s been putting the shebang into my world lately– what about you? What’s happening in your magical life? Please leave your comments in the bubble at the top of the post and fill me in – I’d love to hear from everyone! Let’s spread that joy a little further, eh?

Until next week, lots of love, joy, and gratitude from Antigonish xo

No. 148 – Celebrate Halloween

Crossed off Wednesday, 31/10/2012

I must preface this post by admitting a hardcore truth to you all: I have partied with people from all around the world, and I had ranked the Czechs, Germans, and British as some of the best people to party with and thought that no one could top their efforts…but, as I have recently discovered, I was wrong. NONE of these peeps can even compare to Canadians. Fact.

Canadians (or at least, my friends here in Antigonish) are full-on. They are hardcore. They are the crème de la crème of the people you want to have fun with. They are enthusiastic, dedicated, and fervent party people who jump at any chance to dress up in fabulous costumes, dance the night away, and generally make life in a small town so much more exciting. In short, they are the coolest people on the planet (besides us Aussies, of course).

So you can imagine the kind of frenzy a ‘holiday’ such as Halloween would incite in the hearts (and indeed, the livers) of my darling Canadian mates. Houses were decked out, vast quantities of candy purchased for would-be trick or treaters, costumes creatively constructed out of all sorts of materials (some of them were serious works of art, I’m not going to lie), and preparations for a massive night of fun and festivities was planned. As this was my first time celebrating Halloween, my mates took delight in my amazement and excitement (in truth, I was acting like a ten year old, I was so ramped up by the decorations, costumes, and free lollies everywhere…) and gave me the most incredible experience by including me in so many shenanigans….gotta love ’em!

So, in reflection, I have  come up with the top 3 things I learnt about Halloween based on my experience, and I wanted to share them with you:

1. The costume is the key. This is some serious stuff we’re talking about here, people. It is ALL about the costume and who can come up with the most creative, inventive, hilarious, off-the-wall costume. If dressing up in costumes was an Olympic sport, I think my friends here in the Nish would have taken the gold for sure…amazing. (*Note: I went as the devil, in a bid to be the antithesis of KJ, who went as Jesus…yeah, he did)

2. Sugar is rife (and free). I’m not kidding, candy can be found everywhere – stores, desks, houses, classrooms, on the side of the road…they just love to give the stuff away. It’s enough to put anyone into a diabetic coma…

3. Halloween is the best excuse for a party. Seriously. And it doesn’t matter if it is on a Wednesday night in the middle of the semester and you have a 10am class in the morning – you still party. Legit.

To be honest though, I think the best part of my first Halloween was the fact that I got to spend it with my best mates here in the Nish who have all embraced this ‘little Aussie’ and welcomed her with open arms into their lives. I have truly found some wonderful people here in Canada, and I am so grateful to all of them for playing a part in my journey and giving me amazing experiences to tick off my list. Last night was filled with non-stop laughter, dancing, singing, big smiles, hugs and kisses, and an all-round awesome atmosphere of fun and frivolity. It was truly one of the best experiences I’ve had in my travels around the world, and I know that I’ll be bringing the Halloween spirit back to Australia – watch out, next October 31st!

No. 151 – Scream my lungs out at an ice hockey match

Crossed off Friday, 19/10/2012

Ok, so it turns out that I absolutely L-O-V-E hockey! What an incredible sport… fast-paced, non-stop action, fueled by the loud cheers of fans, the chilly atmosphere, and one very slippery surface. Watching the X-Men (the StFX men’s hockey team, who have a reputation for being kinda awesome) take on the team from PEI University took my breath away; I was mesmerized by the incredible speed, agility, and (at times) brutality of the sport, all played out in this freezing cold rink surrounded by glass.

Game on!

Keeping warm at the game with Neil

My Canadian ‘brother’, Neil, took me to my first ever hockey game (he considers himself a bit of a hockey aficionado) and we had a fantastic time together watching the game, drinking beers, and cheering when X scored (then lamenting when they missed). The game came down to a tie-breaker, with PEI breaking X’s lead with a goal 7 seconds before the final buzzer (talk about a nail-biter!), forcing the game into overtime. Thankfully, X scored and won the game, but for those moments in overtime, I forgot where I was (and my total lack of knowledge or experience with this game) and simply screamed out as many words of advice, encouragement (and maybe a few token profanities) as I could, cheering on my team to victory…and it felt AMAZING! If there is any sport that is guaranteed to ramp you up, get your blood pumping, and have you ready to scream your lungs out, then hockey is the winner…simply awesome.

‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada…

Weeks 4, 5 & 6

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Wow! What an action-packed, full-on, giddy-up kinda few weeks it has been! Biggest apologies for the radio silence from my end – I have been so super busy during the last three weeks that I haven’t had time to check in here and report on my shenanigans in the ‘Nish (as I’ve come to fondly call it, just like the locals). It’s funny: for such a small, quiet, rural town, it certainly keeps me on my toes and always entertained!

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However, for all the fun and adventures I’ve been having, I’ve also had some challenging times too. During my time away from home (which is about 4 months in total now), I have learnt some harsh lessons about life. I have discovered the heartache of homesickness and loneliness; encountered some very odd situations that are well outside of my comfort zone; I have lost friendships and connections with people back home who I used to think of as my biggest cheerleaders, best friends, and greatest support systems; and I’ve struggled at times to adapt and acclimatise myself to the culture, food, weather, teaching styles, and expectations of a different country (even grocery shopping presents a bigger challenge than I realised). I guess what I’m trying to say (without sounding like I’m complaining) is that my whole traveling experience – for all its beauty, opportunities, adventure, and wonderful times – has also thrown me challenges that I didn’t anticipate and have had to learn to deal with along the way. It is not always the non-stop, exciting, wild, excessive-partying and irresponsible lifestyle that some people imagine it to be…

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After a low-energy, sickness-filled week last week (ugh, getting the flu and a throat infection whilst living overseas is NOT fun), I was starting to crash…like, fall down in a heap, crying, get-me-outta-here-I-wanna-go-home, hot mess. But after a few days rest, some words of wisdom from various sources of inspiration and perspective, and a truck-load of penicillin, I decided to start the week fresh, wipe the slate clean, and start living each day as fully as I possibly can. I am only here in Canada for such a short time (realistically) and instead of wishing I was back home where it is warm and comfortable, I need to embrace all the changes and differences in my life here in the ‘Nish and all that comes with studying abroad (including the ridiculously chilly weather!)

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I lost my way for a little bit there, but now I know to just listen to my heart and spirit, because they brought me here for a reason. I have made the commitment to embrace EVERY DAY and whatever it may bring, and show my gratitude and love for this magical world I am lucky to live in. Just letting my joy rise to the surface again…feels ah-mazing!

Anyways, enough of the heavy. Let’s check out the highlights of the last few weeks here at StFX…it’s been a whirlwind of fun and adventure, that’s for sure!

+ Homecoming

All ready for my first Homecoming experience!

The boys all ready for a cracker of a weekend!

Watching the game…

Far out, Brussel Sprout! What a fun-filled weekend of shenanigans this was…For all the people back home or around the world who don’t know what Homecoming is (which I sure didn’t until I got here and experienced it first-hand), let me tell you this: It. Is. CRAZY! A weekend of alumni reunions, school pride, dressing up in StFX colours, off-the-hook-parties, brunch and beers at the local pub, the biggest football game of the season, and lots of cheering and singing…all topped off with a ‘Let’s start drinking at 9am’ attitude! A uniquely North American experience, but one I’ll treasure forever…

+ Care packages of love from Australia

Feeling the Aussie love

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: My mum is an absolute beaut! I actually cried tears of joy when I picked up a massive package from my post box and saw my gorgeous mum’s handwriting (she even put Muggy down as a sender on the back of the parcel – bless!). Inside was the best care package of love that any Aussie daughter living in Canada could ask for – warm long-sleeved tops, snuggly socks, leggings, Tim Tams, Aussie flags, tights, Caramello Koalas – the whole shebang! It was like getting a big, tight, warm hug from home – I could feel my family’s love for me just in that single package. Just awesome.

+ My 29th birthday

Best birthday present ever – my own ‘X’ pendant! Now I’m part of the crew…

Read about it here. Put simply, the greatest birthday I’ve had in years…

+ My new home.

My new home

That’s right – I moved out of Somers and right into my very own personal suite in Governors Hall! I have discovered that although I am quite adept at sleeping in dingy, multi-bed hostel rooms in some of the dodgiest places in the world (ahem, Amsterdam, London, Halifax…), I simply cannot live in a building filled with 19-year olds. Sorry, I tried (I really did) but after a month of sleepless nights and a constant feeling of disconnectedness and unrest, I decided to take control of my life and change my own circumstances, and within 3 hours I was set up in my new private, self-contained suite (quite impressive, really…)

Gov’s (although slightly more expensive) is designed to house older-level and mature students, so it suits me perfectly. I have my own space and no one to worry about but myself – such a massive relief! And I’m so much happier and settled already – it is amazing how much your living environment impacts upon your attitude and emotional state…

+  Thanksgiving weekend in Cape Breton

Beautiful coast of Cape Breton

A massive THANK YOU to my wonderful girlfriends, Evelyn and Kelly, and their families, for letting me stay with them in their homes – your overwhelming generosity, kindness, and hospitably will never be forgotten.  See my write-up on this little gem here.

+ Guest presenter at the StFX BEd Professional Development Day

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Due to my knack for creating zooming online presentations for my classes (I have made 3 so far in Canada), I was asked to give a presentation/crash course to StFX BEd students on how to create a Prezi for their annual PD day. I casually agreed and didn’t really think much about it until the week of, when I was informed that my session had filled up almost immediately – yikes!

Although I was still pretty sick on the day and had to make some changes to my initial presentation plans due to this, I managed to teach the group about the program and, judging by the feedback I received, everyone seemed to enjoy the session (even though I was only half alive throughout it). It was a great experience though (I can now say that I have run a PD session, which is pretty cool), and it made me feel good to be able to teach my fellow students how to use such a handy program that they can use to enhance their learning and teaching experiences – hurrah!

+ Neon Social

Getting my ‘glow’ on with two of the biggest gems in the Nish, Sasha and Gen!

The boys in their finest…bit worried about Floody though!

2 houses + the BEd crew + brightly-coloured clothes of varying degrees of hilariousness + ping pong + loud music + flip cup + laughter + incredible indoor heating + dancing on couches = epic Friday night shenanigans!

+ Spending time with my boyfriend

Quick update for all of you who have messaged me to ask how this is going and for details: All is awesome. Super happy and enjoying this new little adventure in my life with a very special and amazing guy. Can’t keep the smile off my face. Lots of fun. Gives me butterflies. Oh, and he taught me how to 2-step this week and danced and spun me around the dance floor…priceless.

+ Some other little tidbits of joy that have brightened my world in the last few weeks:

Autumn leaves…super pretty!

+ Writing down goals in my journal and focusing my intention on what I want to manifest in my life + my new, ultra-warm plaid Hurley jacket (a must in this cold weather!) + impromptu ‘girl’ dates with my Canadian bestie +  reading The Alchemist (get it if you haven’t already – serious life-changing stuff ahead!) + messages from my family back home + making memories + snuggling in my boyfriend’s nook and kisses on the forehead + watching the autumn leaves change colour + dancing + nights of endless laughter with the coolest lads & ladies in the Nish + seeking inspiration + hot coffee on cold days + listening to Jeff Buckley +  taking lots of photos + and amazing friends who light up my world.

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So, that’s what’s been putting the glitter and sparkle into my world – what about you? What’s happening in your magical life? Have you experienced any similar life lessons/changes/realisations recently? Are you identifying the moments/things that bring you joy, gratitude and love? Please leave your comments below and fill me in – I’d love to hear from everyone! Let’s spread that joy a little further, eh?

Until next week, lots of love, joy, and gratitude from Antigonish xo

No. 157 – Celebrate Thanksgiving

Crossed off the list 6th & 7th October, 2012.

Fact: We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia.

Proposal: We should.

I was lucky enough to spend this weekend celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving (twice!) with two amazing friends and their families in Cape Breton. My wonderful girls, Evelyn and Kelly, were kind enough to take me to their homes and show me what a traditional Thanksgiving is all about, and this is what I discovered:

1. You get stuffed full of turkey…just go with it.

2. Pumpkin pie is one of the most delicious things you will ever eat…period.

3. You eat waaayyyy too much – but it is ok because EVERYONE does it, so you don’t have to feel guilty…brilliant concept!

4. You talk and laugh around the dinner table and feel right at home. Even at a stranger’s house…such amazing hospitality in Cape Breton.

5. You have to take a nap after eating, just to be able to function again…

6. You get stuffed with turkey all over again. The cycle continues…

Thanksgiving with my girls, Evelyn and Kelly.

It was so lovely to see another part of Nova Scotia and to meet all the lovely friends and family members in my new mate’s lives – I only wish I could do the same and take them to Australia to meet my family! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to visit Cape Breton to experience not one, but two Thanksgivings (!), and to spend time with my newly-adopted Canadian ‘families’.

Cape countryside…

Beautiful Cape Breton coastline…

So, in the spirit of celebrating my first ever Thanksgiving, today I give my deepest appreciation and gratitude for all the amazing opportunities that life has presented to me. I’m also thankful for my amazing friends all around the world who put the sparkle in my life + my incredibly supportive family in Australia + my darling Muggy + sunshine + beach days + dancing + cuddles with my boyfriend + good coffee + excellent books + blogging + laughing with my girlfriends + Havi’s, skinny jeans, and comfy tees + pub nights with the lads + spending time alone + meditating + Ben & Jerry’s ice cream + inner peace + music to light up my soul + confidence +  scented candles + home-cooked meals + acceptance + traveling the world + and creating a big, bright, beautiful life where all my dreams come true…ahhh!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all those I love, near and far xx

No. 127 – Make a wish…

Crossed off the list 3 October, 2012

Last Tuesday, October 2nd, I celebrated the last of my twenty-something birthdays here in Antigonish, away from all my friends and family in Australia (yes, I seriously am that old…). Seeing as though I have only been here in Canada for just over a month, I was expecting to spend my 29th birthday alone, or at least just having a quiet dinner with the new man in my life (which we did). What I did not expect was the amazing, surprising, freaking-out-of-this-world birthday celebrations that my Canadian girlfriends had (secretly) organised me for the following night!

Ready to go to my birthday party!

I was summoned to the local pub with the instructions to dress up (which I gladly did – such a nice change from the usual jeans and Havaianas I normally wear),  and upon my arrival was gobsmacked to discover a mini birthday party set up just for me. I was showered with smiles, hugs a million, beautiful gifts, the best birthday cake ever, and a tiara ceremoniously perched upon my head (a super-girly tradition for birthdays here, as I discovered). As all my wonderful new friends gathered around, lit the candles on the cake, and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to me, I was overwhelmed by their love, thoughtfulness, and kindness. These are people who have only known me for such a short time, yet have so openly welcomed me into their lives and hearts, and put so much effort into making sure my birthday was a special one. I was so touched by their obvious effort and friendship that I couldn’t help but shed a tear.

Best birthday cake ever!

As I leaned over my cake to blow out the candles to a chorus of “Make a wish, Shanny!”, I closed my eyes and just wished for what was in my heart:

I wish to always be as happy as I am in this very moment, surrounded by love, joy, and friendship. I wish to always follow my heart, and to live a shiny, shimmering, sparkling life filled with hope, love, and promise. To always be me and be true to myself. To let my spirit soar and follow my feet and heart wherever they may take me in this big, wide world. I wish to always be grateful for the love and joy in my life and never forget the kindness of the people who put the magic into my life.

And through that beautiful act of kindness and compassion, my new Canadian friends gave me the ultimate birthday gift – a chance to make one of my dreams come true and cross a milestone off my list whist surrounded by more joy, acceptance, and togetherness than any traveller in a foreign land could possibly feel when so very far from home…

To all of you (you know who you are), I thank you from the very bottom of my heart – you will always be a special part of my journey…

Special moments with the amazing new souls in my world…so blessed xxx

‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada…

Week 3

Hello, lovelies! Can’t believe another week has passed me by – it seems like only yesterday that I was sharing last week’s shenanigans with you! But I guess that’s what life is like – sometimes everything moves so fast that we barely have time to stop and catch our breath…that’s why I love writing these weekly posts about my time here in Canada – it helps me to pause, reflect, and appreciate the amazing experiences I am having. I guess you could say this is my ‘deep big breath’….

The last seven days presented me with a few little awesome moments that totally made me feel the sparkle and luminosity of this big, beautiful life I am cultivating. So let’s check out what put the glitter and glow in my world this week:

+ My 2nd date with KJ: On Tuesday, I took KJ out to dinner at Antigonish’s only sushi restaurant (which was actually not too bad, considering I’m living in a town with a population of like 5,000 people and not a whole lot of cultural diversity). Once again, we spent hours talking, laughing, sharing food, and enjoying each other’s company without any awkward pauses or uncomfortable silences. The days that followed were filled with more strolling hand-in-hand, more fun nights out together, more hours of laughter and engaging conversation, and lots of kisses (ahhh!). After 20 months of being alone, I’m finally dipping my toe back into the relationship pool, and so far, it feels pretty great to me…stay tuned for more!

Spending time with a wonderful new soul in my life!

+ Trying my first Pop Tart. Ok, so not the world’s greatest achievement by any stretch, but it was so cool to try something that I have seen in countless movies, read about in books, and even seen on the shelves of some specialty stores, but never thought about buying…until I found them on sale in the supermarket and KJ insisted I try them (he was shocked that I never had a Pop Tart before…it’s official, I am a freak). It was a delicious treat, (albeit very sweet) and I don’t think I could eat them every day, but it was still a fun little experience and watching KJ’s face as I took my first bite was priceless!

+Participating and sharing my views in class. Although I still feel a little like a fish out of water sometimes (there is a slight language/cultural barrier that I’ve yet to fully overcome), I have found that I have more confidence with my subjects this week and have felt myself slide into my old habits of active class participation. I’m sure that my peers are probably sick of me relating everything we talk about in class to how we do things back home in Australia (apologies!), but I find that it helps to consolidate and align my understanding of the Canadian system with what I already know from my own experiences. And it helps to know that some things in education are universal, so it doesn’t always feel like we are so different after all. I’m super grateful to the amazing and supportive team of professors here who are engaging me in classes, allowing me to share my thoughts, and encouraging me to do my best.

Studying for my classes, Starbucks-style…

+ My first house party. To be even more honest, it was my first house party in twelve years, since I graduated high school (sigh, I’m getting old). Anyways, Saturday night saw me rocking up to a house party I wasn’t invited to, but it turns out I was more than welcome as it was filled with all the BEd. peeps in my degree. It was a night filled with laughter, Beer Pong (what a fantastic game that one is!), music, random party snaps, getting to know everyone, and making more friends…and ended with me falling over in the shower (not my finest moment, but one I can still laugh at). All in all, a great night!

The crazy BEd crew – what a bunch of beauties!

Cuddles with Chels…

+ Skyping with Muggy! My darling little boy turned 3 on Monday (my, how the years have flown by – he’s growing up so fast!) and getting to Skype with him and my mum on Friday night was such a joy that I had tears of happiness when his little face popped up on my screen. Although we may be thousands of miles apart, he still knows his mummy loves and misses him, and when I say his name and talk to him, he reacts to my voice like I’m standing right there next to him. Moments like these make me realise just what I have waiting for me at home and it fills me with contentment and comfort – I know that I have some pretty amazing personalities in my life that love and support me unconditionally, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

Kisses at the camera!

+ Being published in the StFX Xaverian Newspaper. I’m so happy and proud to announce that my first ‘Aussie in Antigonish’ blog entry was published in this week’s university newspaper! Although I had to edit it somewhat (I don’t want these Canadians to see just how crazy I am yet!), I received lots of positive and enthusiastic feedback about the article and have been asked to contribute on a regular basis – whoo! I’ve always wanted to be a published writer, and this little milestone has just brought me one step closer…

My first published piece…so proud!


Until next week, lots of love, joy, and gratitude from Antigonish xo

‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada…

Week 2:

Wowza, what a difference a week can make! So many awesome things have happened to me during the last 7 days and it feels AH-MAZING! I’m totally in love with life at the moment (it’s a great love affair, actually – I think it may be getting serious…) and everything appears to be falling into place for me – yay! (*cue happy dance complete with booty-shaking, booming bassline, and strobe lights).

Super big smiles this week!

So, how did this amazing week unfold, you may ask? Well, let’s do a quick review of the top 5 highlights of my second week here at StFX in Antigonish:

No. 5 – First day of class. Finally, after 3 months of traveling and living the life of a gypsy, I settled back into the ‘real world’ and attended my first uni class since June. I was worried that it would take me a while to readjust to the academic world, but I managed to segue nicely into the old habits of the classroom environment. I am lucky to have a great faculty backing me up with my studies and they have all been incredibly supportive and welcoming. I have a funny feeling that I’m going to learn so much while I’m here…

Walking to class on a beautiful Fall day!

No. 4 – Trying poutine for the first time ever. O.M.G. If the French Canadians ever got anything right, it is this delicious (although exceptionally fattening and oh-so-bad-for-you) treat. Hot chips + gravy + cheese curd = Ihavediedandgonetojunkfoodheaven goodness…..Especially delicious after a few beers, this was a real eye-opener for me. I’ll never look at hot chips the same way ever again…

No. 3 – Attending my first football game. In the spirit of having an authentic ‘college experience’, I found myself dressing in my StFX best and heading down to the football field for an afternoon of Canadian football (which is basically NFL-style footy, not the Aussie rules/rugby league variations I’m more accustomed to). Although I found the game itself to be tedious, slow and waaayyyy too technical for my liking (just pick the ball up and run!!!), I still found myself enjoying the football culture and cheering when our team scored a touchdown (albeit, there weren’t too many of those – they got thumped by the other team). Add some cans of Bud Light and some cracker play-by-play commentating from my Canadian mates, and it made for a fantastic Saturday afternoon.

First game of the season…

No. 2 – Went on a fantastic date. Yes, you heard me right: I went on a date. Like, with a real honest-to-goodness, down to earth, awesome guy. Dinner at a lovely local restaurant that serves all homegrown/organic produce with rustic small town charm; conversation that flowed as easily as the breeze; lots of laughter and getting to know each other; walking hand in hand down Main Street…ahh! It was such a great night, an absolute treat, and I’m really looking forward to our next date this coming week. A huge thank you to the man himself, KJ, for an awesome night. Turns out, there are actual decent gentlemen out there! True story…

And the number one highlight of my week, with a bullet, is…(drumroll, please…)

No. 1 – Making new friends! Seriously, this week should have been called ‘International Friends Week’ here at StFX. I have been just overwhelmed and touched by the vast amount of lovely new people who have come into my life this week and have all been so incredibly kind, accepting, and welcoming. I have to admit, the accent is a major drawcard (they can’t get enough of my voice, which would be kinda funny for those of you back home who are probably relishing the silence since I left!), but as one of my new mates, Neil, remarked, “It’s not just the accent that makes us like you (although it is cool); you’re a beaut too, Shan”. Naaww…you’re a beaut too, matey!

Feeling the love and friendship with one of my fave Canadian boys, Neil.

I really feel included and appreciated here – my new friends are always calling/texting/Facey messaging me to see how I’m settling in, to invite me to socials and parties (FYI: Canadians are MAD party animals!), to invite me on coffee dates, or just hang out and chat. I am never alone and have already built a fantastic support network of amazing and inspiring individuals who are helping to make this transition a lot easier to handle. So a massive shout out and deepest gratitude to all the awesome peeps in the BEd program for all your amazing support – you guys have totally put the sunshine into my days at StFX so far!

Wing Night with my new mates!

Some other little tidbits of joy that have brightened my week:

Sunny days + freshly-cut green grass + reading “Savages” by Don Winslow (Super gritty and raw reading – couldn’t put it down!) + writing and carry out my ‘Spirit Plan’ (more on that soon) + endless hours of laughter + healthy tuna salads + gym time + listening to Boy & Bear’s ‘Moonfire’ on repeat + Ben & Jerry’s ice cream + holding hands + my first ‘Wing Night’ with the crew at the pub (wings and beer at bargain prices!) + feeling like I have a place in this world, even though I’m so far from home…

Writing my ‘Spirit Plan’ in my cool new journal…

I’m starting to find my place in this new and different environment. With each day I feel more and more comfortable, accepted, and happy. I’m discovering that I can make a life for myself outside of my comfort zone and away from all that is familiar and safe. I am making friends, making my mark on this town and the campus, and finally feeling like I truly belong somewhere in this world. I will continue to rise to the challenges that present themselves to me, and I will keep chasing the joy and opportunities that come my way during my journey…

Until next week, lots of love, joy, and gratitude from Antigonish xo

‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada…

Week 1.

Greetings from beautiful (but chilly), Canada! Welcome to the first instalment of my observations, reflections, and personal musings about my time as an international exchange student at StFX in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Each week I will share the adventures, challenges, new ‘firsts’, and everything else I experience during my study abroad, and my on-going personal journey of discovery…

Greetings from StFX, Antigonish!

So, let’s kick this off with my observations of StFX students/Canadians thus far:

1. They like to cheer…excessively. Like. All. The. Time. From welcoming new students at 6am on a Sunday morning (thanks for the wake up call, peeps), to razzing rival teams in the pizza shop at 2am on a Thursday, these Canadians like to cheer. Catchy as the tunes may be (“X is dynamite, said X is dynamite…say what?!”), it can also be a bit intimidating…

2. There is maple syrup in everything. Maple syrup baked beans, anyone? Maybe some maple sausages? Or even maple cookies? The possibilities are endless….

3. They like to say ‘eh’  a lot. It goes on the end of just about every sentence, like they are asking a question (“Nice weather, eh?”), as opposed to making a statement (“Nice weather”). I actually think this one is quite cute and will probably end up adopting this as part of my vernacular…

4. They are super friendly and L-O-V-E Australians! This is actually a huge bonus for me, for obvious reasons…

5. Ice Hockey is just called ‘Hockey’ over here…and it is like a religion. Consider yourself educated.

6. They think 14 degrees is a warm day….ha.

To say this week has been challenging would be an understatement. More like an OMG-WHAT-HAVE-I-DONE-I-DON’T-BELONG-HERE-I-WANT-TO-LEG-IT-BACK-TO-EUROPE-SEE-YA-LATER kinda week (ever had one of those?) My arrival and induction into St Francis Xavier University and the tiny town of Antigonish was a whirlwind of enthusiastic greetings, information download/overload, a significant change in the weather (I’m freezing!), and having to learn about 100+ new names…and that was just in the first few days. Add moving into an empty apartment, meeting my new housemates, setting up my space (with very limited means), discovering the campus facilities, orientating myself around town (don’t blink, you’ll miss it), and a severe case of homesickness into the mix, and you have the makings for a minor meltdown…

My new home @ StFX, Somers Hall…

Ok, now, I don’t like to freely admit this (I like to play it tough and independent most of the time), but I REALLY struggled this week. Further to the previously-mentioned stress-inducing events, a series of unfortunate events – including soul-crushing, confidence-shattering revelations from one of my best mates back home; feeling completely alone and out of place; and watching my darling mum cry over Skype – had me looking for my suitcase, passport, and a ticket for the next plane to Europe (seriously, I was trying to figure out how to cash in my scholarship money and live in Budapest for the next 4 months…) I was exhausted – mentally, emotionally, and physically (and any other ‘ally’ word you can think of) – and was completely overwhelmed by the daunting task of  making a life for myself here in this small, chilly, rural town on the other side of the planet from my sunny and comfortable home on the Gold Coast <cue serious overload and instant breakdown!> Come Wednesday, I was ready to run…

Then on Thursday, a miracle happened. After nights of endless crying and sleep-deprivation (my internal time/body clock is soooo messed up!), things started to brighten. My roommates rallied around me and gave me some big hugs and words of encouragement; I had a great chat with my Mum, and brother, Mick, who both made me feel so loved and missed back home; I meditated and found some internal peace; I went to the gym and got in tune with my inner workout-goddess; and I received inspiring, uplifting, touching, ohmygoodnessyoumademecry messages/emails/blog posts from a variety of magical souls in the blogosphere (my deepest gratitude to Rach from In Spaces Between, Jenn from Positivity Pimp, Sue from My Little Slice of Life, and Melissa from Path To Wellness – you are all beautiful!).

Getting in touch with my inner-gym goddess and feeling good about myself…

I also finally met the other students in my degree program at the education faculty orientation on Thursday. I was nervous <cue panic-attack> and was certain that if things didn’t go well, I was high-tailing it outta there, pronto! But guess what? They were all so cool! I met the loveliest people, all of them super friendly and accommodating. The highlight of the day was having 250+ pairs of eyes all turn and stare at me in the assembly when it was announced that “a special guest from Australia has joined us this semester…” and the boys next to me ratted me out with loud cheering and pointing (thanks for the welcome, fellas!)…I will be forever known as the Australian girl with the mortified, shocked, bright-red face in the middle of the room! Cheers…

Xavier Hall – my new Education facility! Super pretty, huh?

I was then invited to attend a team-building/fun day for Education students at the beach the following day (to all my Aussie readers, no, the beach is NOTHING like what we are used to – think less sand, lots of rocks, and no swell…), which turned out to be a freaking AWESOME day, and helped me to make some really incredible connections with my fellow students. Friday was then capped off with the first BEd Social Night and I had a fantastic time making friends, chatting, laughing, drinking beer, and teaching my new Canadian mates some choice Aussie phrases (ahhh, gotta love the Australian vernacular…). A flurry of invitations to hang out, house addresses, party invitations, friend requests on Facebook, offers to play on teams, and friendly text messages followed all weekend, which I celebrated with a little solo trip away to Halifax for a mini adventure of my own (which was just what I needed!)

On my way to Halifax for some much-needed ‘me’ adventure time….

All in all, I have learnt this week that just when you think everything in your world is at the lowest and worst it can be, the Universe conspires to make it all better…if only you stick around, slug it out, and learn from it. I came fairly close to quitting this week, and although a part of me is ashamed to admit that (thanks, Pride – you’re a real pain in the backside, sometimes!), I have also realised that it is ok to sometimes just stop and let yourself fall apart…if only so you can re-build upon better and stronger foundations. It is ok for me to cry (wow, BIG revelation there) and it is perfectly natural to be overwhelmed by such drastic changes in my life – in fact, it would be kinda crazy of me if I didn’t!

As I write this, I am feeling much more happy, confident and optimistic about the next few months and what they will bring me – new friends, new learning adventures, new perspectives, new knowledge and understanding…and maybe, just maybe, a new lease on life…

Until next week, lots of love, gratitude, and joy from Nova Scotia! x

No. 14 – Study abroad

I have the enormous pleasure to announce that I have been accepted to study at St Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada next semester! [Cue riotous applause, loud cheering, and bursting confetti cannons in my head…ok, maybe not].

Wow, this is a HUGE one to cross off my list, and to be honest, it was a goal that I didn’t think would ever come into fruition. When I first started toying with the idea back in 2009/2010, I was happily married, had just purchased a house, and was preparing to start my first year of university. I had discussed the possibility of going on exchange with my then-husband, and his response had been, “You should do it”; however, he did not want to go with me, so the dream fell to the wayside, as I could not (as a good wife) ever imagine going overseas to study for 4-6 months on my own. My, how things can change in 2 years….


Last month I wrote about the massive realisation I had about following my dreams, not someone else’s, which culminated in my voluntary withdrawal from the Honours Program. This was the catalyst for my nerve-wracking and mind-blowing decision to apply for the International Exchange Program and to travel to the other side of the world to study for a semester. I realised that this was my last chance to do so, as I can not go on exchange in my last year of study due to prac requirements, and the final date for submissions was soon…as in, that week. So with no money, no plan, no idea what I was doing, and spurred on by an incredibly forceful gut instinct that this was what I had to do, I filled out the paperwork and applied.

Even after that process was completed, I was beseiged by a variety of ‘blockers’: a lack of course details and communication from the host university; an un-willingness on my behalf to graduate 6 months later than intended (as is the norm for exchange students due to insufficient course credits); a lack of funds (that’s putting it mildly); and visits from my good old companions Anxiety and Depression (yup, they spent quite a bit of time trying to convince me that I couldn’t so this – that I was too weak, too scared, too responsible to run off like this). However, at every juncture, every time something popped up that screamed “NO!” at me, I simply stared it back down and shouted a resounding “YES!” right back (I’ll admit, I even stuck my tongue out and blew a raspberry a few times), then proceeded to find a solution to each problem. I hadn’t realised how badly I wanted this experience until I was faced with the possibility that it would not come true. It is amazing how one can overcome obstacles when faced with the prospect of never achieving a dream – it is a pretty intense motivator!

But eventually, I did find the solutions to each problem. I found a new (and much better) university in Canada that provided me with everything I needed, including the courses I had to take to gain credit for my degree; I negotiated my study plan with my Course Convenor at Griffith to allow me to complete all the courses needed to graduate next year as planned and without being penalised; and I won a $3,000 scholarship from Griffith to go with the $6,000 Overseas HECS Loan supplied by the Government (thanks, Jules). Basically, it was like the Universe conspired to make my dreams come true…literally! As for my old pals Anxiety and Depression, I still have visits from them now and again – I find myself caught in an intense state of fear, of overwhelming dread and insecurity – but I’m getting better at telling them where to go and am trying my best to ignore them. Every day I tell myself that I CAN do this, that I DESERVE this, that this is MY DREAM and I will follow it to the end.

I will be leaving for Canada in mid-August and will be staying there until the end of December, with a quick stop in the USA on either side (including a white Christmas with family friends in New Hampshire – stay tuned!), so that means I only have 3 weeks in between arriving home from my European adventure and jet setting off again to my new (albeit short-term) home in Antigonish, Nova Scotia – HECTIC!!! I have to find somewhere to live (hopefully on campus), find out about visa requirements, pay fees, book flights, and start figuring out what to pack. Oh, and I have to quit my job, move house, put my stuff into storage and send Muggy to live with my parents in Murwillumbah (I’ve told him he’s going on an exchange of his own, but I don’t think he’s too pleased with me for leaving him). But I know that all this craziness and running around will be worth it in the end – especially when I’m playing in the snow on my way to classes!

At the end of it all, I hope I will have gained more knowledge and a deeper understanding of who I am: as a person, as a student, as a teacher, as a friend, as an independent woman chasing her dreams and making them a reality. It will be quite a journey (and I’m scared as hell at times), but I know that this is exactly what I am supposed to do with my life right now. And really, that’s all I can do in this moment – chase those dreams, make them happen, live my life the way I think best…even if it means taking a risk. Even if it means moving to Canada!