No. 102 – Hold hands…

Crossed off the list 14 & 15 September, 2012.

Oh yeah, I’ll tell you something
I think you’ll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand

~ The Beatles ~

Ok, laugh if you must, but this one was a wee bit special for me. When I first added this to the list way back last year, I wasn’t thinking about the mundane let’s-cross-the-street-and-watch-out-for-traffic holding hands; but rather the strolling-side-by-side-our-hands-lightly-graze-then-he-takes-my-hand-and-smiles kinda holding hands scenario…

I know it sounds overly romanticised, and even a bit far-fetched and idealistic, but I am a sucker for the lost art of holding hands with someone who makes you feel amazing. Do you remember the time when holding hands was such a thrill? Like, the butterflies were going crazy in your tummy and made you realise that, “Hey, this person actually likes me enough to share a physical connection with me in public…” When the anticipation of what yet may come starts to build and you start to wonder what will happen next…? I’ve missed that feeling more than words could ever convey, hence why I added this little gem on to the list: in the vain hope that one day, I would feel that little tingle and sense of hope again…

Well, I finally got to experience this on Friday night,  when a certain chivalrous gentleman escorted me home from the local pub. There we were, walking home through the chilly night air, innocently talking and laughing, when all of a sudden it happened – our hands grazed against each other. I kinda froze for a moment, not sure what to do, then smiled to myself as he gently enveloped my hand in his and continued on our way, never stopping the flow of conversation or falling out of step. Then, on our date the following night, we strolled hand in hand done Main Street and it felt like the most natural thing in the world…it was a bit of an ‘Aaahhhhh!’ moment for me  (cue blushing and giggles: very immature of me, I know….)

So anyway, although it may seem like a small milestone to cross off, it actually means a lot to me personally as it is a reminder that there are still chivalrous, polite, decent men out there in the world (which is a bit of an eye-opener for me, all things considering). It was a real pleasure to spend time in the company of such a great guy and to share this special little moment together. For those minutes we walked hand in hand, I felt like a carefree, hopeful, and excited young girl again, butterflies and all…

6 thoughts on “No. 102 – Hold hands…

  1. This is so cute and romantic and I totallly ‘get it’. There’s something lovely and simplistic in holding hands with someone. I love when I’m at a party with my boyfriend and we’re mixing and mingling and then I’ll just feel his hand slide into mine and it always gives me a startled feeling, closely followed by the fluttering feelings. Go Miss Shanny! Any guy would be lucky to hold your hand x

  2. Pingback: ‘An Aussie in Antigonish’ – My life in Canada… | let your joy rise

    • Thanks a million, sweetie! I’m so glad to know that you love holding hands with your special soul too – it just makes the little things in life so much more bigger and important!

      Love, light, and joy to you always xoxo

  3. Pingback: No. 142 – Cross one thing off this list each month in 2012 (at least) | let your joy rise

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